Week update 1 - general overview.

Our team's goals were to use each of our individual skills at use them at their max potential. Our Main programmer Ibrahim has been in charge of overlooking all the code in order to keep our code in check. Jay has been in charge of overlooking the artistic aspect of the game, whether it is sound or visuals. Randy has been overlooking the overall design of the game and making calls on what to implement, as well as asset creation.

In order to accomplish these goals, we are meeting regularly and working together to solve any potential problems and get progress going. We stay in calls for a few hours and go through the code, soundtrack, assets, etc. together in order to make sure that our vision is on track. For next week we plan to finalize the core mechanics, but that may change depending on our progress with the code. To make sure this happens, we will meet like normal and troubleshoot any issues on the spot. 

We did some playtesting physically. We basically tried to simulate what drunkenness is like for the movement of the player in game. We discovered that drunkenness is very similar in movement to just randomness in general, and not having a sense of direction or balance. We thought that for the player we need to make it so the character is very hard to maneuver and one must balance it with precise presses of a single button. We are going to try and find a way to give that same feeling when controlling the character. Stay tuned for more updates.

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