WDL2 - Randy Garcia

Our team’s goals the past couple of weeks was to make sure that we make great use of our individual skills. This way our work is likely to be completed better and on schedule. Jay’s in charge of the visual design and sound of the game, Ibraham is in charge of the programming and animating, and I’m in charge of the game's design.

We would get on a discord group call at least once a week to help each other out with any issue we’d run into such as programming or looking for the right animations or character model that we all agree on to make sure we are all on the right track and make the game how we plan.

Next week, my goal is to have the core mechanics of the game working well along with adding in a second player. As usual, the three of us will keep testing and talk about any changes that need to be made to get the mechanics working smoothly.

We playtest the players movement to see if we were able to capture what running drunk in a video game would be like. We decided that having the character randomly move left or right and as the player having to counter these random turns with your own movement controls would work well for this.

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